Monday, November 13, 2017

5th time's a charm?

If you've known me for longer than a couple of years, you know I've started blogs before. More than once. More than twice. I've lost count. Topics have ranged from a blog 'written' by our dogs (yeah yeah, it sounded cute at the time) to organizing to recipes to a blog about the home we built two years ago. I really enjoy writing and like to think that at least a handful of folks out there like reading what I write.

What happened to those blogs, you ask? Sadly, I get busy and simply forget about them. Odd, because I'm not a 'leave a job half finished' kind of person. I guess I just get too busy living my life that I forget to write about it. :)

About a year ago, Josh and I suddenly became the proud new owners of a camper/travel trailer/tagalong/bucket/tow behind/whatever other fun nicknames you can think of. I use the word 'suddenly' because it was fairly unplanned. If you'd told me in September of 2016 that we'd soon be 'campers', I would've laughed at you and told you that you were insane. We've had so many incredible adventures since that time that I thought hey, why not share our adventures with the world? Or, at least the 4 people that are going to read this (hey mom!).

So, here I am, starting yet another blog. Fingers crossed this one sticks and I actually post more than once a year.